Hogwarts: A Time of Change
Welcome to Hogwarts: A Time of Change!

Summer break is underway and students are out and about in the world waiting for another year to begin. Hogwarts is currently closed with professors planning lessons and getting everything ready. With students out in the streets, does that make them safer or not? It seems as though something is out brewing on the horizon. Something that no one is quite ready for.

See if you can find a place in the world of Harry Potter, there is much to choose from; magical abilities, creatures, students, adults, etc... See if your loyalty is with the Order, the Death Eaters or the Guardians..make a choice...take a stand...

Where do you belong?
Hogwarts: A Time of Change
Welcome to Hogwarts: A Time of Change!

Summer break is underway and students are out and about in the world waiting for another year to begin. Hogwarts is currently closed with professors planning lessons and getting everything ready. With students out in the streets, does that make them safer or not? It seems as though something is out brewing on the horizon. Something that no one is quite ready for.

See if you can find a place in the world of Harry Potter, there is much to choose from; magical abilities, creatures, students, adults, etc... See if your loyalty is with the Order, the Death Eaters or the Guardians..make a choice...take a stand...

Where do you belong?

Hogwarts: A Time of Change

Times are changing and we need to decide where our loyalties lay... light or dark? You choose...
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GAME DATE: July 2072

Welcome to Hogwarts: A Time of Change!

Hogwarts is currently closed for Summer Break.
With the summer heat students are escaping outdoors
and getting together with friends. Enjoying
spending time without the pressure of school riding over their heads.

With only a short time left before school begins,
all students should do their best to get all
their school shopping complete.
(A quick one-shot will do except for Ollivanders)

Keep cool and stay safe,
Time of Change Staff
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Year 2072


~ Please take a look at our site calendar to see the pace in which we move things along.

~ All avatars must be 180x400.

~ School shopping is in session, get everything you need before September 1st.
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 Stupid (G)

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Stupid  (G) Empty
PostSubject: Stupid (G)   Stupid  (G) EmptyThu Feb 06, 2014 11:27 pm

As Keiko was walking towards Olivander's Wand Shop she could not help but think how she had lost her wand. She was practicing horseback ridding in the woods by her house when she was called for supper. she remembered putting her wand in her horse's saddle, which now sounded like a pretty stupid idea in her mind, because when she returned to her horse, her wand was nowhere to be found. Stupid, stupid, stupid she thought as she walked inside of Olivander's Wand Shop. "Hello", Keiko said as she walked to the front desk and had begun to fill out the application form for a new wand.

Name: Keiko Morimoto
Birthdate: 9 August
Height: 5'4"
Current/Former House: Gryffindor
Strongest Subject: Defense against the dark arts
Weakest Subject: Divination

After she completed the application form, she then handed the form to the shop keeper.
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Rowena Ollivander
Rowena Ollivander
Ollivander's Wand Shop Owner
Ollivander's Wand Shop Owner

Posts : 267
Galleons : 9296
Reputation : 1
Location : Ollivander's Wand Shop
Strength : 21
Reflex : 21
Agility : 21
Accuracy : 21

Stupid  (G) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stupid (G)   Stupid  (G) EmptyThu Feb 20, 2014 11:25 pm

Rowena played absently with her hair as she read diligently through some of the recent invoices she had to add to the books. Even though she didn't like to keep a record of all the wands that went in and out of the store she had to. The only problem was going through and crossing out the right ones as the book had grown through the years and was now the size of some transfiguration textbooks she had seen in stores recently. An as she couldn't always remember the exact page a wand was written on it took her almost a whole day to go through it all.

It was why she had taken to crossing things out between helping out customers as it was more tedious then difficult and didn't take her full attention. Just as she was crossing out a wand she had given to Jacquelyn Sinclair the door opened and she glanced up to see a young girl step inside and head straight for the counter. "Hello, welcome to Ollivanders," she responded in kind before looking back down at her book while the girl continued filling out the paperwork.

Once she was done she slid the parchment toward her and glanced it over. "Will that be a new wand?" she asked with a warm smile as she turned her attention back to the girl.
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